Uniwide Formations
Experts in UK Company Formation
020 4501 0600
Mon–Fri 8:30am–5:30pm

Privacy Policy

This website is owned and run by UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD (hereafter referred-to as “we”, “us”, “our” and “ourselves”). Our Privacy Policy pertains between you, as a User of our Website, and UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD, its owner and provider. This Policy relates to how we use any and all data that we gather with regard to your use of our Website and any of its services or systems.

UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD has a commitment to protect the privacy and security of personal data about you. This Privacy Policy lays out how we gather, use and safeguard your personal data when you visit our Website (regardless of from wherever you may view it or use it) including when purchasing a product or service or signing up for our newsletter. It also lays out your rights and how you are protected by the law.

1. Important points

1.1. Our Privacy Policy supports our other policies, including our Terms and Conditions, with no intention that it should override them.

1.2. With regard to the Data Protection Act 2018 (the Act) UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD is the controller and is responsible for personal data about its clients and customers, including you.

1.3. This website is in no way intended for children and we never knowingly gather any data relating to them.

1.4. To help you to understand this Privacy Policy better, in Part 1 of Schedule 1 – below – we provide a lexicon i.e. a guide to the words and phrases that are used, examples of the kind of personal data that we gather, how it is used, the lawful grounds on which we process this data and further information on your rights.

1.5. Links to Third Parties. This website may contain links to plug-ins, applications and sites that are hosted by third parties. When you click on these links and/or enable connections you may allow these third parties to gather or share personal data about you. We have no control of these plug-ins, applications of sites hosted by third parties, wherefore we cannot be responsible for whatever privacy policies they may have. You should therefore read also their privacy policies to understand what personal data they collect about you and how they use it.

1.6. Duty to inform us. It is important that all information concerning you that we hold is up-to-date and correct, so please do let us know if any of this changes.

1.7. Regarding Changes to this Privacy Policy. Both when we consider it necessary and when the law obliges us to do so, UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD reserves the right to change this policy and a notice about any such change will be placed on our website. We would recommend, however, that you view this policy every so often and stay up-to-date with any changes; the reason for this being that on the first of your visits to the site after each change you are considered to have accepted the policy in its amended guise as then shown.

2. Data about you that we gather

2.1. In using our site you agree that we may gather, hold, use and transfer your personal data of the types listed in Schedule 1, Part 2, below.

2.2. In addition we gather, use and share aggregated data. When personal data about you is combined by us with aggregated data in such a way that it may still identify you, whether directly or indirectly, then the whole assembly of data is still treated as your personal data.

2.3. There are no special categories of personal data that we gather.

2.4. Personal data about third parties. You agree that when you supply us with personal data regarding any third party then (1) you have obtained all permissions and notifications that are appropriate and/or necessary to allow such personal data to be transferred to us lawfully and (2) that you have shown any such third party the Privacy Policy displayed here on UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD’s website and/or supplied that party with a full and complete copy of it. You agree also that you will indemnify UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD in full with regard to any and all costs, fines, awards, penalties or any other liabilities that could result from your failure to comply with these requirements.

2.5. Your failure to provide data. When the law requires, or we require under the terms of any contract that we may have with you, to gather personal data about you and you do not supply us with this data then we cannot enter into the contract with you and may need to cancel one or more – or even all – of the products and/or services concerned. Should such a situation develop, however, then we shall let you know.

3. Means of gathering personal data

We gather personal data by the following means:

Records and Other Sources that are Public

Such personal data may be gathered by us also from records and other sources that can readily be reached and accessed by the general public. These include, for example, Companies House, the Electoral Roll, credit reference agencies and others.

Direct Contact

Your personal data may be supplied to us by you when filling in forms online, signing up for our services, asking for or purchasing our products or services, setting up an account for yourself as a user on our website, putting yourself on our mailing list or in any way communicating with us by telephone, by e-mail, by any other online interaction or by post.

Automatic IT Systems

Personal data about our clients and customers – including you – is gathered by us automatically through their use or even browsing of the website, through cookies and through related systems. Technical data about our clients and customers may be gathered also when they view other sites that are connected to ours through cookies and, for more information, you are most welcome to read our Cookie Policy.

Third Parties

In addition, personal data may be transferred to us through:

i. suppliers of search information;

ii. data analysis services;

iii. online advert networks;

iv. suppliers of other services, for example web support & maintenance, payment and delivery.

4. Holding information

4.1. We are required by law, however, to retain certain essential data about our clients for taxation reasons. This includes the retention of their identity, contact details and payment information for a period of six years even after people are no longer our clients.

4.2. Personal information about you will be held by us only while we need it to carry out the processes for which it was gathered. These include our need to meet accounting, reporting and legal obligations.

4.3. For carrying out analysis personal information about you may be rendered anonymous. This means that it can no longer be connected with you and, when this is so, we are allowed to use such information without either any time limit or needing to inform you of this.

5. How your personal data is used

5.1. Your personal data will be used by us only if and when this is permitted by law, normally for such purposes as:

  • Fulfilling a legal requirement;
  • Carrying out a contract into which we enter with you;
  • If and when we must act in our own legitimate interests and/or in your interests and/or in the interests of some third party. In any and all such cases, however, we will do so only when your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

5.2. Schedule 1, Part 3, specifies the lawful grounds upon which we depend when processing personal data about you.

5.3. Consent is normally seen by us as the sole legal ground on which to deal with personal data about you. This applies also to our sending you advertising communications, by any means. It is your right, at any time, to inform us that you withdraw your consent. We would like to point out that we are lawfully allowed to deal with personal data about you on various grounds, depending upon the particular reason for our use of it.

5.4. Advertising. From time to time personal data about you might be analysed to assess whether you may find certain of our products or services to be of interest. You will receive advertising communications from us only if you ask us for information or buy products or services from us, if you have agreed to receive advertising when we gather personal data about you and you have not later withdrawn your agreement or otherwise opted-out, or if there are some other genuine grounds for our sending you advertising communications.

5.5. Before we share any personal data about you with any third party for marketing reasons you will be asked by us for your clear permission.

5.6. You may opt out. The “unsubscribe” box in any advertising e-mail lets you opt out of receiving any further such e-mails. You can also, at any point, just get in touch to tell us to send no more. We will respect any decision to opt out of receiving advertising communications from us although, even then, we would still be allowed to use personal information about you for other particular reasons as long as there are lawful grounds for us to do this.

5.7. Use for other reasons. Personal information about you will be used by us only for the reasons for which it was gathered in the first place. The only exception would be if and when we might have good reason to believe that we may or must use it for another reason and yet this also fits with the first reason.

5.8. Should we have a need to use personal information about you for some reason other than that for which it was first gathered, then we shall inform you about this and either explain the legal grounds on which we think that we may do this or else we shall ask for your permission. Where we are either obliged or allowed by law, there are particular situations in which we may deal with personal information about you without your knowing this or granting permission for it.

6. Publication of Reviews

  • Use of Reviews and Personal Data: By using our services and choosing to leave a review on external platforms such as TrustPilot, Google, etc., customers implicitly give us permission to publish these reviews on our own website. This includes the use of any personal data contained in these reviews, which helps us demonstrate the authenticity of the reviews and promote transparency.
  • Data Acquisition and Consent: The act of ordering our services and leaving a review on external platforms constitutes a customer's consent for us to use their personal data provided in the review for the purpose of publishing it on our own website.

7. Disclosure of your personal data

7.1. Personal information about you may need to be shared by us with third parties. More information on this is given in Schedule 1, Part 6. We oblige third parties to safeguard personal information about you and deal with it in line with the law. Our third party service suppliers have no permission from us to use personal information about you for their own ends: They are allowed to deal with it only in the manner in which we instruct them to and only for the reasons that we stipulate.

7.2. Information about you may be transmitted beyond the EEA (European Economic Area) when it is shared with any third party, as described in Schedule 1, Part 6. We make certain that information about you is safeguarded to much the same standard, however, even when transmitted beyond the EEA.

8. Security of information

8.1. We respect the need to safeguard personal data but hope you understand that no system is guaranteed to be 100% secure. While we endeavour to safeguard your personal data UNIWIDE FORMATIONS LTD, like any company, can never guarantee the perfect shielding either of servers of its own or of ISPs (Internet Service Providers) that it uses. We likewise cannot guarantee your data’s absolute safety from interception while being transferred over the Internet, for example when you supply us with it through our Website. You can nonetheless be assured that we adhere to well established industry practises in seeking to safeguard all personal data supplied to us during its transfer and once it is received.

8.2 Suitable security strategies have also been set up to stop personal information about you not only from being accessed but also from being revealed, interfered with, changed or used in any unpermitted fashion. Indeed, any access to information about you is limited to only those specific employees, contractors, agents or other third parties who have a work related “need to know”. Even then they are allowed to deal with your personal information only as we instruct and they are at all times bound by their duty toward confidentiality.

8.3. Furthermore, procedures have been set up whereby we may deal with any breach or leak of personal data that we even suspect. We will also inform you and any relevant official body of that breach when so obliged by law.

9. Your rights under the law

9.1. Under data protection law there are circumstances in which you have particular rights. In Schedule 1, Part 5, we have laid out all of these rights and you are welcome to let us know should you want to exercise any of them.

9.2. There is no charge for exercising any of these rights. Should you seek to do this repeatedly and/or to excess, however, or there are no firm grounds for your doing so, then we may make a reasonable charge for dealing with the matter or even refuse to deal with it.

9.3. Whenever you get in touch with us we may ask you for specific information about yourself. This will be to confirm your identity and thereby safeguard it from being revealed to anyone who has no right to it and thereby keep it secure.

9.4. Our aim is to reply within one month of any such legitimate request, although we may sometimes take more than this if the request is complicated or a number of requests have been made. Should this be so, however, then we will let you know and keep you informed of progress.

Schedule 1

Part 1: Lexicon – a guide to words and phrases used

Aggregated Data

This is information such as demographics or statistics compiled from personal information about our clients that we may hold but which, in aggregated from, cannot reveal your identity.


This is an entity that determines the reasons and form of dealing with private information.

Data Subject

This is a living individual who is identified by personal information about her-or-him: In this case you.

Personal Data

This is information that identifies its subject simply from just that set of data, although it may also do so together with other information that is held by us (not including, however, any information that is aggregated or anonymised).

Special Categories of Personal Information

These special categories include personal information about an individual’s genetics, biometric details, sex, gender and/or sexual orientation and sexual activity, race, ethnicity, health, nationality, religion, beliefs and/or philosophy, political views and/or associations and membership of unions.


This is an entity or body charged with processing personal information on behalf of its controller.


This is the Information Commissioner’s Office, which is the authority that supervises matters of data protection across the UK.

Part 2 – Types of personal information


Telephone Number and E-mail, Billing and Delivery Addresses.


Payment Card and Bank Account.


User Name; Title; First, Maiden and Surname; Occupation; Gender.

Communication / Advertising

Any preference about which you have instructed us regarding our sending you any advertising.


User name; Password; Preferences; Orders/Purchases made; Questionnaire replies / Other Feedback.

Systems / Technical

IP address; Time zone & location; Browser and plug-ins including which versions; Log-in information; Operating system/ platform/ other tech regarding the devices through which you may reach our site.


Information regarding payments that you have made to us or received from us; Information on products and/or services for which you have paid us.

Part 3: Lawful grounds for processing data

The following are the lawful grounds upon which we depend when processing personal data about you:


You have given your clear agreement that we may deal with information about you for particular reasons.


We need to process your information to carry out that which has been agreed in our contract with you and/or since you have requested that we perform certain actions before a contract with you is agreed.

Legal Requirements

We must process some of your information in order to meet requirements of the law and certain regulations.

Legitimate Interests

Some of your information we must process in our own interests of for those of a third party, if only so that you may receive the best service through our website. In advance of any information about you being processed on such grounds, we take these interests into account and weigh them against any possible effect on you. We shall not use information about you on these grounds where our interests would be outweighed by any such effect on you.

Part 4: Reasons for needing to deal with your personal data


Kind of Information

Legal grounds for processing this Information

For you to become registered as a client

ID; Contact Details.

To carry out our contract as agreed with you.

For maintaining our relationship with you; For informing you of alterations to our Terms, Conditions or Privacy Policy; For requesting that you leave feedback or a review

ID; Profile; Contact; Communications and advertising.

  • For carrying out our contract with you.
  • For meeting our legal obligations.
  • For updating our records and reviewing our clients’ uptake of our products and services – all in our legitimate interest.

To c arry out your order; T o handle payments/ charges/ fees; Recovery of debts

ID; Contact details; Financial and transaction information; Communications and advertising.

  • For carrying out our contract with you.
  • For exercising our legal right to recover monies owed to us, if and when necessary.

For suggesting and recommending products, services and promotions that you may find to be of interest.

ID; Contact; Profile; Usage; Technical.

For improving our products and services and expanding our business – all in our legitimate interests.

For analysing data so that we may raise the level of our products, services, website, advertising and customer relations.

Technical; Usage.

For determining our various kinds of customers, products and services; updating our website and keeping it relevant; growing our business and guiding our advertising approach – all in our legitimate interests.

For safeguarding and running our business and website. This covers testing, maintenance, support, analysis of data, reporting and hosting.

ID; Contact; Technical.

  • As we require for the legitimate interests of running our business, administration, IT services & security, preventing fraud and any reorganisation of the business.
  • For meeting legal obligations.

For providing you with relevant content and/or advertisements on our website and gathering feedback on the effectiveness of this.

ID; Contact; Profile; Usage; Communications and advertising; Technical.

For studying how our products and services are used by our clients, for refining them, for improving our advertising approach, for expanding the business – all in our legitimate interest.

Part 5: Your Rights in Law

The law gives you rights over information about you as follows:

Access to Your Information

You may request access to information that is held about you and to copies of it. You may also check that it is being dealt with lawfully.

Deletion of Your Information

You may request that information about you be deleted if:

  • Grounds no longer exist for it to be held and/or used by us;
  • You have exercised your right to challenge the holding and/or use of this information (see next section);
  • Information about you has been dealt-with in a way that is unlawful;
  • Local law compels us to erase information about you from our records;

We could sometimes be bound by particular legal obligations, however, which might not allow us to comply with your request, of which such restrictions we would inform you should they ever arise.

Limitation or Suspension

You may request that we limit or suspend our processing of information about you if:

  • You would like the accuracy of this information to be verified;
  • This information is being used in some way that is contrary to law and yet you do not want it deleted;
  • You require that we hold it for you, even though we may no longer need it, since this may help you construct, bring to bear or defend some legal claim;
  • you have objected to our use of your personal data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.


You may object to our processing of information about you if:

  • We depend upon our legitimate interests, or a third party’s such interests, to form the grounds on which we deal with your information but, despite this, you have reason to consider your rights and/or freedoms to be thereby somehow breached or contravened;
  • We use this information for direct advertising.

We might show in certain cases, however, that we are dealing with and using this information about you for reasons that are entirely legitimate and that may override those rights and freedoms and, in this scenario, we may carry on holding, dealing with and using this information about you to this end.

Transfer of Information

Information about you is held, handled and used by us by electronic means, for which you have given us permission in order that we may carry out our contract with you. You may ask that this information be transferred to you or a third party whom you define and we will supply it in a format that is well ordered, widely known and computer readable.

Withdrawing Consent

Where we depend upon your agreement in order to hold, handle and use your information, you may withdraw such consent at any time. The lawfulness of our having so dealt with your information while we had your consent and before you withdrew it, however, will remain unchanged.

Part 6: Third Parties

HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) / Other Regulators or Authorities

These are joint controllers of information who are based within the EEA and, in particular circumstances, require that information processing be reported to them.

Service Providers

These are information processors and/or controllers who may be based within the EEA (European Economic Area) or outside across the wider globe. They carry out identity and credit checks and supply also marketing and advertising, SEO (search engine optimisation) services and/or facilities, bank and merchant accounts and services, processing of payments and documentation or other products that you may buy through us.

Professional Advisors

These are joint controllers of information who include law firms, accountancy practices, auditing firms and insurance companies that are located within the United Kingdom and provide services in fields such as law, accountancy, insurance, banking and consultancy.

Information for Reviews

Our clients are invited to give reviews of their experience in using our website, products, services and help given to them by our staff. Our clients are welcome to leave these reviews on TrustPilot and Brightlocal.com and other Review platforms, with whom we may share information such as your name, telephone number, e-mail address and order number) so that they may send you this invitation, but this information will not be shared with any party beyond them.

Third Parties - General

These are any third parties to or with whom we may sell, transfer or merge our firm and/or its assets, either in whole or part. Conversely, we may also acquire or merge with other firms, in whole or part. Should such an event occur then our firm’s new owners will inherit the right to hold, handle and use information about you in the same fashion that this Privacy Policy lays out, unless and until they should choose to change it.